Time remaining…
Drawing: 3.27.24
Total Prizes 25
$100 / Ticket
Time remaining…
Drawing: 6.26.24
Total Prizes 25
$100 / Ticket
Time remaining…
Drawing: 9.25.24
Total Prizes 25
$10 / Ticket
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About us
Launched in 2016, Give 270 has contributed over $1 million in support of the central Kentucky region it calls home. Much of this has been accomplished through online charitable raffles conducted under license of the Kentucky Department of Charitable Gaming (ORG0002703).
BOURBONRAFFLES.ORG is a new platform offering these same fundraising opportunities for the benefit of a broader group of non-profit organizations and worthwhile initiatives. By partnering with groups and organizations that have audiences interested in allocated and collectible whiskeys, Give 270 aims to expand its impact beyond its own region.
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